Capture the Health Benefits of Drinking More Water!
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month and this year’s theme is “Water, Nature’s Drink!” Did you know there are many oral health benefits to drinking water? Here are our favorites.... Water is a tooth [...]
YOUR ROLE IN INFECTION CONTROL: Before, during and after your child’s dental appointment!
The City Kids Dental North Shore Team is so excited to welcome our families back to the office! We are proud to show off our commitment to the highest standards of infection control and safety. [...]
10 ways City Kids Dental is working to keep you safe, sound and smiling!
We are taking every step to keep our City Kids Dental Family safe, sound and smiling! You will see 10 changes in our safety protocols that fit right into our commitment to excellence done with [...]
Oral Health Should be a Priority! We have 7 Tips to Keep You on Track!
With dental offices closed to elective care, your oral health should be a priority! There is a lot that you can do through simple day-to-day habits. Here are 7 oral health tips to keep you [...]
Happy Earth Day! It’s a great day to green your dental routine!
EARTH DAY is a great day to green your dental routine! 🌎 Taking care of the earth should be as routine as brushing your teeth everyday. Here are 3 Earth Day tips for you: 1. [...]
Help your Child Flip for Floss! Teach them to Floss like a Boss!
The City Kids Dental team knows there are so many things to juggle as a parent. Here is why flossing should be one of them: Flossing is a fantastic way of keeping kid's teeth and [...]